Group Self Empowerment Coaching;
Promoting Mindful Transformation-
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When Does it Begin?
🌕 The So Brilliant 8-week course begins this March 2024!
"Becoming who you truly are is simply a matter of letting go of who you are not! Healing happens layer by layer, so be patient, compassionate, and kind to yourself throughout the journey.
You are exactly where you need to be, and you're continually evolving.
Embrace your journey. Embrace yourself!"
Brenda Farrugia, in love with humanity!
You are exactly where you need to be, and you're continually evolving.
Embrace your journey. Embrace yourself!"
Brenda Farrugia, in love with humanity!
Why Work with Me?

Great question! Along with my cheerful disposition and profound, God-given gift for helping others release dark energies and resistance, what truly distinguishes me is my unwavering commitment to empower you with love and a non-judgmental approach.
Having lived through trauma, chaos, and fear, my personal story, detailed below, offers just a glimpse of what I’ve endured, and over come!
As Lightworkers, we often encounter more challenges than we care to acknowledge. Yet, our purpose is to hold the light for others. It's a bit of a paradox, but that seems to be the path we walk. If you are a Lightworker, you'll understand exactly what I mean.
My journey proves that no matter how dark or sinister things may seem, the Light of God always welcomes us home.
Having navigated these struggles and emerged on the other side, I’m here to help you do the same. Let’s get started—join me, and together, we’ll embark on this transformative journey.
Join a Vibrant Community of Like-Minded Souls Committed to Growth and Transformation!
Having lived through trauma, chaos, and fear, my personal story, detailed below, offers just a glimpse of what I’ve endured, and over come!
As Lightworkers, we often encounter more challenges than we care to acknowledge. Yet, our purpose is to hold the light for others. It's a bit of a paradox, but that seems to be the path we walk. If you are a Lightworker, you'll understand exactly what I mean.
My journey proves that no matter how dark or sinister things may seem, the Light of God always welcomes us home.
Having navigated these struggles and emerged on the other side, I’m here to help you do the same. Let’s get started—join me, and together, we’ll embark on this transformative journey.
Join a Vibrant Community of Like-Minded Souls Committed to Growth and Transformation!
My Journey:
I was born with an innate love for everyone and everything, with a deep knowing that people acted unconsciously. For years, I allowed hurt and abuse to continue, believing that if I showed enough love and compassion, others would "wake up" from their sleep.
I now realize that this was part of my learning journey—to put myself first, a realization that came decades later.
Even as a child, I had the gift of seeing dark energies and angels. I didn’t understand it fully then, but by age 4 or 5, I knew that happiness allowed me to interact with Angels, while sadness attracted dark beings that brought tremendous fear.
The challenge for me became figuring out how to stay happy and maintain a high vibration when my circumstances were anything but positive.
After a long healing journey, I now see that all my experiences—the good, the bad, and the ugly—were blessings. They taught me powerful lessons in self-love, boundaries, and respect.
I’ve been through great emotional turmoil, from abuse and illness to near-death experiences with multiple kidney issues. All of these challenges were trying to get my attention, urging me to wake up.
At one point, I began seeing the number 911 everywhere—on clocks, receipts, license plates. I thought it was a sign of impending death, but when I finally found the courage to look it up, I discovered it was an urgent spiritual call to "WAKE UP."
This was the actual start of my healing journey in 2009. Before that, I had moments of awakening, but it was always easier to slip back into old programming than to realize something was wrong.
I took the message seriously because my health, relationships, and finances were a mess.
One night, I lay down and spoke to God calmly: "God, I am compassionate and kind, but my life is filled with heartache and pain. I surrender to Your love because I realize I don’t know what I’m doing. Lead me, because I know I am here to serve humanity. But if my time is over, let me go to sleep and not wake up. If there is more for me, let tomorrow be the brightest day yet."
I woke up the next day with a new realization: I was here to learn, grow, and reconnect with who I indeed was. That was the true beginning of my healing journey.
I’ve faced it all: kidney infections, the onset of cervical cancer, dark thoughts since childhood, angry voices in my head, abusive relationships, near liver failure, verbal and physical abuse, alcohol abuse, and a deep disconnect from myself. But I’m still here. I’ve made it to the other side.
As I awakened and my abilities grew stronger, new challenges appeared—attacks from other energy healers, cult energy, and challenging relationships. But the love in my heart expanded every day, and I continued healing and discovering my true self.
Now, I love and honour who I am, embracing every experience as part of my journey.
Why did I go through all of this? My heart has always been called to serve humanity. It is my mission and my purpose.
I know what facing the "dark night of the soul" means—confronting fears, demons, and deep discomfort. For me, it wasn’t just a dark night but the dark years of the soul.
I’ve walked through failed relationships, health challenges, financial struggles, and a profound lack of confidence and self-love.
Even though I had the ability to love and heal others, I kept myself in separation, attracting circumstances that magnified the lessons I needed to learn.
I am here to hold the light for those who feel they can’t. I am here to lead the way, to show that no matter how dark your place is, there is always a way out.
Follow the Light. Yes, it takes work, but you are worth it.
As we embark on these eight weeks together, you'll begin to heal parts of yourself that you may not realize exist. Healing happens layer by layer, and through this journey, you’ll discover how we release deeply held memories stored in our cells—memories we aren't consciously aware of.
By transforming these experiences, you'll turn them into powerful lessons that lead to deeper self-awareness and growth.
You are powerful and magnificent. Take my hand, and let me help you realize this truth as I have. You are worth it. You are supported, and you are deeply loved.
I was born with an innate love for everyone and everything, with a deep knowing that people acted unconsciously. For years, I allowed hurt and abuse to continue, believing that if I showed enough love and compassion, others would "wake up" from their sleep.
I now realize that this was part of my learning journey—to put myself first, a realization that came decades later.
Even as a child, I had the gift of seeing dark energies and angels. I didn’t understand it fully then, but by age 4 or 5, I knew that happiness allowed me to interact with Angels, while sadness attracted dark beings that brought tremendous fear.
The challenge for me became figuring out how to stay happy and maintain a high vibration when my circumstances were anything but positive.
After a long healing journey, I now see that all my experiences—the good, the bad, and the ugly—were blessings. They taught me powerful lessons in self-love, boundaries, and respect.
I’ve been through great emotional turmoil, from abuse and illness to near-death experiences with multiple kidney issues. All of these challenges were trying to get my attention, urging me to wake up.
At one point, I began seeing the number 911 everywhere—on clocks, receipts, license plates. I thought it was a sign of impending death, but when I finally found the courage to look it up, I discovered it was an urgent spiritual call to "WAKE UP."
This was the actual start of my healing journey in 2009. Before that, I had moments of awakening, but it was always easier to slip back into old programming than to realize something was wrong.
I took the message seriously because my health, relationships, and finances were a mess.
One night, I lay down and spoke to God calmly: "God, I am compassionate and kind, but my life is filled with heartache and pain. I surrender to Your love because I realize I don’t know what I’m doing. Lead me, because I know I am here to serve humanity. But if my time is over, let me go to sleep and not wake up. If there is more for me, let tomorrow be the brightest day yet."
I woke up the next day with a new realization: I was here to learn, grow, and reconnect with who I indeed was. That was the true beginning of my healing journey.
I’ve faced it all: kidney infections, the onset of cervical cancer, dark thoughts since childhood, angry voices in my head, abusive relationships, near liver failure, verbal and physical abuse, alcohol abuse, and a deep disconnect from myself. But I’m still here. I’ve made it to the other side.
As I awakened and my abilities grew stronger, new challenges appeared—attacks from other energy healers, cult energy, and challenging relationships. But the love in my heart expanded every day, and I continued healing and discovering my true self.
Now, I love and honour who I am, embracing every experience as part of my journey.
Why did I go through all of this? My heart has always been called to serve humanity. It is my mission and my purpose.
I know what facing the "dark night of the soul" means—confronting fears, demons, and deep discomfort. For me, it wasn’t just a dark night but the dark years of the soul.
I’ve walked through failed relationships, health challenges, financial struggles, and a profound lack of confidence and self-love.
Even though I had the ability to love and heal others, I kept myself in separation, attracting circumstances that magnified the lessons I needed to learn.
I am here to hold the light for those who feel they can’t. I am here to lead the way, to show that no matter how dark your place is, there is always a way out.
Follow the Light. Yes, it takes work, but you are worth it.
As we embark on these eight weeks together, you'll begin to heal parts of yourself that you may not realize exist. Healing happens layer by layer, and through this journey, you’ll discover how we release deeply held memories stored in our cells—memories we aren't consciously aware of.
By transforming these experiences, you'll turn them into powerful lessons that lead to deeper self-awareness and growth.
You are powerful and magnificent. Take my hand, and let me help you realize this truth as I have. You are worth it. You are supported, and you are deeply loved.